New Dinosaur Species Discovered
Have you seen the Jurassic Park movies?
The dinosaurs in them are so cool!
I love the T-rex, it's the best!
Guess what? In real life, a new dinosaur has just been discovered! And it's
related to the T-rex!
Scientists found the bones of the new dinosaur in England.
That area has a lot of dinosaur bones.
Someone found these new bones right on the beach!
They didn't even have to dig for them!
The scientists think this new dinosaur used to walk on two legs, just like
the T-rex.
And they think it could be about four meters tall.
That's a lot taller than you or me!
The scientists also say the bones look a lot like bird bones do. They decided to name the new dinosaur after the shape of the bones.
Vectaerovenator Inopinatus.
This name is so hard to pronounce.
The area where the dinosaur bones were found has a special dinosaur museum.
The bones will be kept there for people to see.
Maybe one day this new dinosaur will be in a movie too!
1. Bone骨頭。
Watch out for the fish bones.
This is why I don't like fish.
Too many bones!
2. Find
I found my cell phone!
Good for you. Where did you find it?
It was right on my bed.
3. Tall,taller
Katie is 180 centimeters tall.
She's taller than most girls.
4. Name after
Are you named after your grandfather?
Yes, I'm named after my grandad.
Can you try to use these words? Let's read them together.
Bone 骨頭 find 發現,找到 tall 高的 taller 更高 name after
Q1. What did scientists discover?
a. A new kind of dinosaur
b. A new kind of beach
c. A new kind of museum
Q2. How tall was the new dinosaur?
a. Two inches tall
b. Four meters tall
c. 100 feet tall
Q3. What dinosaur is the new kind related to?
a. T-rex
b. My neighbor's dog, Rex
c. A duck